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Original articles, interviews, musings, tips, and free resources about languages, intercultural engagement, and international communication for diplomats, entrepreneurs, and professionals working with Latin American and/or the United Kingdom.

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How Much Do Interpreters Cost? conversational dimension diplomatic interpreting

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A lot less than not working with one, that is for sure.

Let me ask you, if I may, how important is it...

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Applying Interpreting to International Trade conversational dimension diplomatic interpreting

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If people like doing business with people and we connect through words, wouldn’t it be logical to...

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Applying Interpreting to Conferences conversational dimension

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Applying interpreting to multilingual conferences is actually very easy. All you have to do is put...

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Not Quite Here, Nor Now - The Failed Deixis of RSI musings

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In the pre-pandemic world, interpreters were a nomadic bunch. We had no need for offices and preferred...

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Confidentiality, Copyright & Professional Conduct conversational dimension diplomatic interpreting

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Confidentiality has been one of the hot topics of late in the interpreting community and many a piece...

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Interpreters and the Listening Curse musings

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A few months ago, I was catching up on the phone with a dear colleague of mine based overseas when she...

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I’m a diplomatic interpreter, author, British-LatAm communications expert, and the creator of the Slot and Flow Systems™. My commitment to you is that I’ll always keep it simple and practical.